
KeepFluent connects organizations and nonprofits directly to members and service providers, in order to deliver resources that benefit communities for basic needs and culturally appropriate services.

Introducing Culturelation by KeepFluent

Culturelation is service exploration and networking like never before. Through Culturelation , we leverage members’ geographic locations, backgrounds, and socioeconomic positions in order to connect them with providers of goods, services, events, activities, and the like that meet their unique needs. KeepFluent uses Culturelation to connect organizations and nonprofits directly to members and service providers in order to deliver resources that benefit communities for basic needs and culturally appropriate services. Whether you are an individual, business, non-profit, or other organization, Culurelation can help you get connected with customers or providers that meet your unique needs. Get StartedHERE to explore and sign up.


KeepFluent an all-in-one platform for organizations to collaborate, connect with their community, provide services, and more…


It is the phase where general people come to to find any required services. They can search based on categorization and culturelation filter and then proceed with requesting, volunteering or donating that service.


We are all unique – KeepFluent allows all stakeholders to discover and deliver services that are unique to ones culutral and linguistic needs, which are important for well-being and quality of life.


Publish the services and fulfill them when people request. You have the ability to own and run multiple services to ensure it is manageable and giving you the power to create and deliver.